Tax Certificate/Tax Deed Application General Information

A Tax Certificate is a lien against real estate (not the owner) and becomes the basis upon which a Tax Deed Application is filed. Purchasers of Tax Certificates must provide the Tax Collector a Social Security Number or Federal Identification Number for reporting interest earned to the Internal Revenue Service

ACH Direct Deposit Information

of March, 2012, we can direct deposit tax certificate redemption funds via ACH to purchasers' bank accounts. For existing tax certificate purchasers on record prior to the May / June 2012 Tax Certificate Sale this is an option; for new buyers who purchase tax certificates as of the 2012 sale and later, utilization of direct deposit is mandatory. If you are not enrolled in the ACH Direct Deposit Program, please review and complete the authorization agreement and return to our office.

For further information contact Pasco Tax Collector Accounting Department, at 352-521-4360, 727-847-8165, or 813-235-6020.